Short and Sweet
I’m too exhausted to make a lengthy post (mind you, I normally write 4 paragraphs anyway 😅), but I have been sticking to the plan. Work out done. Posting in progress. Tarot before bed. And, of course, reading Manhunt. In less than 48 hours I’ll finally be in Key West for a long weekend vacation.…
Day Two
I did it! This makes two days in a row now that I force myself to read, work out, write, and meditate on the tarot. I’d be lying if I said it was easy, but at least I fucking did it. Surprisingly, writing has been the biggest challenge, and forcing myself not to go back…
April Fools!
Write! Just fucking write, goddammit! Well, ok then, inner monolog! Today’s as good a day as any. I’ve already done something else I have almost never done in my life: work out. So why not add writing to my list of absolutely mind-boggling things I’ve accomplished in 24 hours? I realize that for most of…