Category: Current Events

  • Counting Down

    I’ve got a trip to Key West this weekend and I can’t fucking wait! Friday to Monday: booze and sun. I’ll be going with two of my close friends and we’re staying at New Orleans House on Duval Street. It’s an all-male, clothing optional, gay resort. Needless to say, I expect some debauchery this Easter weekend.

    I will most definitely not be working out. I haven’t missed a day yet, and to minimize the number of skipped days, I’m going to do a morning workout Friday and attempt to work out Monday evening after getting back. I don’t see Monday happening, but I’m putting it out into the universe!

    I’m hoping to finish reading Manhunt while poolside. I’ve gotten through a little over 100 pages (1/3 of the book) and I don’t want it to end. However, I have a backlog of novels on my nightstand I want to read, and my next one, A Little Life, is a tome. I wish work gave us 30 minutes of sustained silent reading like they did in high school. All I want is to read more books!

    The Trump thing happened. Finalnd joined NATO. Brazil, China and Saudi Arabia have effectively ended the petro dollar… the beginning of the end of the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and with it, all the perks of being the world’s reserve currency… these are interesting times we are living in.