Category: Spirituality

  • Short and Sweet

    I’m too exhausted to make a lengthy post (mind you, I normally write 4 paragraphs anyway 😅), but I have been sticking to the plan. Work out done. Posting in progress. Tarot before bed. And, of course, reading Manhunt.

    In less than 48 hours I’ll finally be in Key West for a long weekend vacation. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but even if I don’t personally hook up, as long as I get messy or see some messy stuff, I’ll be satisfied. Who am I kidding? Just being out of Miami will be worth it.

    Just one day of work between me and sweet, sweet vacation. Lort, give me the strength!

  • Day Two

    I did it! This makes two days in a row now that I force myself to read, work out, write, and meditate on the tarot. I’d be lying if I said it was easy, but at least I fucking did it. Surprisingly, writing has been the biggest challenge, and forcing myself not to go back and edit every second is the worst, but I’m getting by.

    I dipped my toes into part two of Manhunt. The sex is… interesting. I’ve never been with a trans person or a woman, so it’s taking me to places I’ve never been, and I’m a more well-rounded person because of it. Go read the book.

    A large amount of my time went into playing Destiny 2 this weekend. I managed to finish the Beyond Light storyline and I’m gonna start The Witch Queen soon. I didn’t have any plans to buy the latest expansion, but it’s on sale right now for $35 so I just might get it if I’m in the mood to treat myself.

    Speaking of treating myself! This coming weekend I’ll be going to Kew West. I’m going with my roommate and another friend of ours. We’ve all been countless times, so it’s no big deal, but it’ll be nice to get away. I love the drive down there. It’s extremely scenic, and since I’m driving from Miami, it doesn’t take too long.

  • April Fools!

    Write! Just fucking write, goddammit!

    Well, ok then, inner monolog! Today’s as good a day as any. I’ve already done something else I have almost never done in my life: work out. So why not add writing to my list of absolutely mind-boggling things I’ve accomplished in 24 hours?

    I realize that for most of you, this is nothing to be proud of. Taking care of yourself is probably routine; using your time constructively and for the betterment of your health (physical or mental) comes natually to you. But me? I’m a chainsmoking, depressed faggot going though a mid-life crisis.

    Because of said horrible state of… well… “being,” I’m trying my fucking hardest to do four things for at least 30 minutes each, per day, every day:

    • Read a book
    • Work out
    • Meditate on Tarot cards
    • W R I T E

    The book I’ve chosen to start with is Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin. I’ve started and stopped and started again several times, which is not to say I don’t like it. It’s just I probably have ADHD or something. I’m getting to part two of the novel now, and I’m definitely gonna finish this time!

    As for the working out: I have a workout bench and adjustable dumbells that can connect with a bar in the middle that I bought over two years ago. Yay for finally getting off my lazy ass and using them! I like the setup and don’t feel the need to get any more equipment anytime soon.

    So now it’s writing and then mediating on the Tarot before I fall asleep. I already feel a little better about myself after accomplishing what I have today. I feel like I’ve set some reasonable goals that I can stick to. Fingers crossed!